Find text that is representative of the type of dictation you will be doing on computer B save it in electronic form in Microsoft Word as original-text.doc. So I recommend that you run an experiment to gather some empirical data as follows: While the import was successful, when I tried to open a user, I received the following error message: "Com returned an unexpected error code: Details are E-FAIL." User Profile With Multiple Dictation Sources This is based upon a DNS Knowledgebase article that says, "While the user profiles can be used without issue on a higher product version, they are not backward compatible." To test this, I imported my 10.1 user profile onto a computer that's running the original version of my software, 10. If for some reason the version of DNS on both computers are not the same, I hypothesize that you won't be able to import your user profile into an earlier version of DNS but you will be able to import it into a later version. After all, the idea is that you are transferring your user profile between multiple computers upon which you have DNS installed (see my article on Installing Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.1 on Multiple Computers). When I first tested this process, I exported from and imported into the same DNS version (10.1). You'll be prompted to run the Audio Setup Wizard so have your microphone plugged in. To open the user, on the NaturallySpeaking menu of the DragonBar, click Open User. When the import operation completes, close the Manage Users dialog box. If you choose the latter option, you'll be able to modify the user profile name in that dialog box. If the user profile already exists, you'll be asked if you want to overwrite it or import it with an alternate name. Use the Browse For Folder dialog box to locate the user files you want to import (you need to select a folder the export process creates a folder whose name matches the user profile you exported, so look for that on your flash drive) and click OK. On the Manage Users dialog box, click Advanced button (you do not need to have a particular user selected), then Import. When the Open User dialog box displays, click Cancel button (you do not need to have a user open to perform the import). When the export operation completes (it may take several minutes), close the Manage Users dialog box. Use the Browse For Folder dialog box to select a location for the exported user files (e.g. In the Manage Users dialog box, select your user and click Advanced button, then click Export.
On the NaturallySpeaking menu of the DragonBar, click Manage Users. Below are the steps with some added commentary.
The process for doing this is described in the online documentation (DragonBar Help menu -> Help Topics menu item). The overall process for transferring your user profile between computers involves exporting the user profile from computer A and importing it into computer B.